Interlude: Consumption

I’ve been consuming a lot lately. Well, maybe not food, like I probably should be – I’m doing a surprising number of miles for living out of a Subaru, and I’ve likely spent the last week sore as a result of not eating enough. I’m not good with food. But I have a really hard time keeping myself from gorging on social media, mainly to keep up with people I care about, but also to indulge in that singular masochism that is reading the news.

And there has been so much news of late. Too much news to really recount. Continue reading

Interlude: Late Nights, Long Days

I’ll admit that I kind of avoided talking about election season while it was going on. It was hard for me to keep up, honestly – I was kind of dealing with my own shit, dealing with the slow, inexorable decline of my endorphins, my dopamine, my seratonin, as I started to spend my days hunched in front of a computer instead of confidently striding down a trail. I mean, I kept up as best as I could while taking care of myself, but truth be told that was hardly better than it was while I was on the trail. I’d come into the living room to Spesh watching The Daily Show or @midnight and I’d get a few pieces here and there. I’d get on the book of many faces and see various articles that people had posted. That sort of thing. I didn’t hear much outside of my algorithm-induced echo chamber, but I knew, despite what I was hearing, that we were staring down the barrel of a potential Trump presidency. Continue reading

Day 64 – Push

Another early morning where I wrestle with the quandaries of fitting a bear can into my morning routine – you’d think I’d be used to this by now, but it’s still a struggle. How does Outro pack up so fast? But she’s packed and off like a shot, go on and get that pass, girl. Me? I’m a’comin, I’m a’comin. Continue reading

Update: On Track

Soooo clearly, I’m quite behind on these posts. Turns out that trying to write for Backpacker and my regular job back home and you fine folks while attempting 25+ mile days is a bit more challenging than I first anticipated. I wanted to let y’all know that I am still, in fact, on trail, and still, in fact, on track to finish – hopefully by the end of September. Oregon is treating me kindly, and I’m looking forward to Washington, too.

I am going to keep writing and posting, albeit probably at the same snail’s pace I’ve been recently. I’m taking super-detailed notes on each day – and between those and the pictures it’s pretty easy to reconstruct things as they were. Being down to the wire, as it were, I have to put finishing first, as much as I would love to write write write in lieu of some of this walking.

I will finish blogging about my hike, don’t fret – and I’ll hopefully succeed in hitting my fundraising goals for Big City Mountaineers. I’ve even got a stretch goal and reward planned, assuming y’all like people dancing in silly costumes. Meanwhile, thanks for sticking around – I’ve got so many more stories to tell you, and I’m happy you’re here to hear them.